Monday, March 23, 2009

Production Schedule

Week 1 and 2: Gather found footage and work on rotoscoping all images

Week 3 and 4: Take all frames and import into After Effects. Animate, parent, set everything up

Week 5 and 6: Finishing touches, music, sound effects, etc. Make sure it's polished and ready to go!


Raptors vs. Zombies

This animated feature will answer a very critical question: If you were trapped in a Walmart and had an hour to prepare, which would you rather have coming after you: 5 veloca raptors OR 100 zombies?

This film will basically be a breakdown of each scenario in hopes of coming to a conclusion about which would be a bigger threat. It will begin with an introduction, starting with a blank screen and text that poses the question. As the narration plays, there will be animation which describes each scene very briefly. This will be mostly done in After Effects with parenting and will ideally have a comic book look to it with very simple illustration.

The film will then venture into the breakdown of each threat. Beginning with a raptor, we will see a rotating specimen with narration and arrows with text to explain why it is a threat, what they're capable of of, etc. Then the image will be zoomed in and we will see a rotating brain and the narration and text will then describe the intelligence of the threat.

We then go into the animated simulation of what could be done in a situation like this one. With rotoscoping (with found footage), parenting, and possibly some green screening, a senario will be set up in which the raptors/zombies are seen approaching the Walmart, breaking into the double doors, and hunting the person inside. Each threat will be broken down into one way you could go about defeating the threat.

Honestly, the ending is somewhat up in the air. I'm not sure yet if I should simply state the facts and let the viewer decide, or come to a conclusion as to which threat would be easier to defeat. If I were to do that, the answer would surely be zombies.


Sunday, March 1, 2009